On March 4th 20 members of Team Ellie will be running the 5k St David’s Day Run in aid of the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity.
Team Ellie was launched by friends and family of brave four-year-old Eloise Lawn after she was diagnosed with Lymphoma cancer in January this year. Ellie from Leechpool, near Portskewett, has completed her second round of chemotherapy and will be starting her third round at the Children’s Hospital forWalesin just less than three weeks.
Initially Team Ellie started out with just six friends from the Chepstow area but has since been joined by many others who were keen to help.
Family friend, Hari Fell, said “Ellie’s diagnosis has affected us all more than we could have imagined and we have felt powerless to do anything meaningful to help either Ellie or her parents. We wish we could take it all away, but as we can’t we have decided to take the positive action of running 5k in the St David’s Day run.
“For some of us this will be no mean feat (me), whilst for others it will be a walk in the park (Tess!). The main thing is we intend to do it together.”
Suzanne and Jim, Ellie’s parents have been overwhelmed by the support they have received from friends and the local community. Talking about the Children’s Hospital for Wales Suzanne said “The staff have been brilliant and offered so much support. They have made a very difficult time for us as parents manageable, and more importantly helped a very scared little girl through numerous tests and made her feel safe and relaxed when she has to go back in for treatment. I can’t praise them enough.
To donate to Team Ellie’s fundraising visit http://www.justgiving.com/team-ellie