A team of 15 members of staff from Rhondda Cynon Taf Music Service are swapping their instruments for walking boots on the 30th June, and are taking on the Welsh Three Peaks Challenge, to raise money for the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity.

One of the team Andy Mulligan is also a member of the Classical Brit Award winning choir Only Men Aloud, and with his colleagues he is looking to climbSnowdon(1085m), Cader Idris (893m), and Pen-y-Fan (886m) in under 24 hours, including travel between the mountains. Andy said: “This is well outside my comfort zone, but we’ve been training hard, and are up to the challenge. We want to raise as much as we can to help fund the equipment needed by the Children’s Hospital for Wales.”

Sponsor the team here!

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