Time can be more precious than money sometimes.

To be a successful charity we need good reliable volunteers to support us throughout the charity from admin work in our office, bucket collecting, bag packing and representing us at awareness events and cheque presentations.

We are a very small team, and work as efficiently as possible to generate maximum funds, we rely on volunteers to join with us to achieve success. Because we keep our team to a minimum, we are proud to be able to advise our supporters that 80% of our donations are used to fund essential services in the hospital and the remaining 20% is used to fundraise further.

Volunteering is fun; you meet new friends, learn new skills and gain a sense of fulfilment. If you think you can make a difference and spare some of your valuable time visit our volunteering page.

5th October
Cheerers at the Cardiff Half Marathon.

21st September
Family Fun Walk – Marshalls Needed.

Santa’s Grotto – We are looking for Elves and an experienced project/events manager.

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