After a fantastic weekend with Dame Shirley Bassey visiting the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital for Wales, it was realised there was a mistake in the sign and it didn’t comply with the UHB Welsh Language Policy.  This was extremely disappointing for all concerned and immediate action has been taken to rectify this.  A new sign is being ordered which gives equal prominence to Welsh and English.The following link contains a statement from the Cardiff & Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, explaining and apologising for the error:  http://www.cardiffandvaleuhb.wales.nhs.uk/news/37710

Geoff Walsh, Assistant Director of Planning, Capital, Estates & Operational Services said:
“Initially, the sign was translated correctly, however, during the final stage of design human error resulted in the incorrect transfer of the wording onto the order. We apologise for this mistake and will be replacing the sign once manufactured in the next two weeks.”




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