
Summer Kansiray was diagnosed with Wilms’ tumour, a rare form of kidney cancer, when she was only 14 months old.

Her kidney had to be removed but just six weeks after the operation the cancer returned in her other kidney, which also had to be taken out. In 2012 Summer had a kidney transplant but her new kidney has failed and was removed at Bristol Children’s Hospital, last Monday. She was transferred to the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital for Wales, a short time afterwards.

Today – August 25, Summer turns eight years old and when asked what she wanted for her birthday she said she just wanted lots and lots of cards to open so that this will be the best birthday ever.Since her operation, Summer has no kidneys and is on dialysis every day.Her and her parents, Joanne and Ekrem, are hoping for another match when she becomes strong enough.

We popped in to see Summer earlier today and found her surrounded by cards, presents and well wishers.  So much so, that she’d taken up the whole of the play room on the ward.


Happy 8th Birthday Summer. Enjoy your Day


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