Cup of Daisies, a new local fashion label, has launched a Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity inspired silk scarf. Cup of Daisies was set up by Oana Balan who wanted to set up a fashion label which would help local people in need by raising funds to supporting local charities.

Onan said “I was searching for a local charity, which could make a difference in the Welsh community, especially helping children and a friend mentioned that the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity raises funds to support the Children’s Hospital forWales. Hopefully through my products I can contribute to their Phase Two appeal and help make a difference to the children and their families around us.”

The first product created by Cup of Daisies is called Orange Jungle, it’s made of 100% twill silk and 10% of the sale price of each product is donated to the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity.

Talking about how she came up with the design Oana said “The print on the special item designed, describes the dream of a child, a playful orange jungle with elephants, monkeys, parrots, lions and giraffes, all surrounded by balloons, candies and toys.”

This beautiful scarf is available to buy from the Cup of Daisies website. Oana is planning to develop a further range of Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity accessories so watch out for an updates!