Artist impression of hospital exterior with Phase Two extension

The Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity are thrilled to announce that Christmas came early at the Children’s Hospital for Wales today as Health Minister Lesley Griffiths announced £63.8 million funding for major expansion of the hospital.

Phase Two of the Children’s Hospital development will create state-of-the-art wards, critical care facilities, four new operating theatres, a new outpatient department and dental suite, an assessment unit, a new critical care unit, parents’ accommodation and facilities, education and teaching facilities, and a dedicated radiology department.

Work on the extension to the existing Phase One building will begin immediately. It is expected to be completed by the end of 2015.

Visiting the hospital this morning, Lesley Griffiths said: “We aspire to a world-class health service that is available to everyone, irrespective of whom they are or where they live in Wales, and at the time when they need it.

“The first phase of the Children’s Hospital has already made a huge difference to the lives of thousands of children from across Wales, providing excellent care and support for their families. The second phase will mean that all children and young people will receive their care in modern, purpose-built settings, enabling more services to be provided in Wales for the children of Wales.”

Cardiff and Vale UHB Chairman, David Francis, said: “Approval of the Full Business Case was the final step in the process of making the concept of a Children’s Hospital  for Wales a reality.

Artist impression of Phase Two interior

“The approval of the full business case marks the culmination of more than a decade of work by the UHB and its predecessor organisations, the Welsh Government and, significantly, the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity, without whose tireless support the first phase of the Children’s Hospital of Wales would not have come to fruition.”

Lyn Jones, Chairman of the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity, said: “We are absolutely delighted to hear funding for the Children’s Hospital announced. With these vital funds we will ensure that children in Wales receive the very best healthcare possible. This is the best Christmas gift we could have asked for.”

Cardiff and Vale UHB Chief Executive Jan Williams, said: “The UHB is committed to working closely with the Welsh Government and the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity to develop a world-class facility for the children of Wales.”

Charlotte Church, Patron of the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital Charity spoke of the news; ‘It’s amazing news. I am really pleased to hear it will be going ahead. It will just complete the whole project and we will be able to build a leading top-of-the-range hospital.’

She continued; ‘It’s been a bit of a battle, but by 2015 it could help put healthcare in Wales on the map – the better the facilities, the better the doctors and the staff, and it could become a really special place.’


Watch some of the press coverage of this exciting news