DR X-Ray Machine
Babies like Theo have to undergo countless X-Rays to check on their major organs but more frequently to make sure that a line or tube carrying vital, oxygen, medicine or food has been inserted properly in to tiny veins and airways. The unit’s new DR X Ray Machine, funded by the Morrisons Foundation as part of the Tiny Lives Appeal allows X-Ray images to be taken without moving a baby and gives instant results digitally where previously, an image may have taken up to 20 minutes to process. For critically ill babies, each second is vital.Hayley says: “I can’t even remember the amount of times that Theo had an X-Ray on the unit. The medical team had to move or change his tubes frequently and every time they did that there was a need to check that they were in exactly the right place. Each time Theo was moved his oxygen requirements went through the roof so if they’d had to move him each time he needed an X-Ray things would have been a whole lot harder. There were points where Theo had to be intubated that he would have been seconds from death. Having the results from the X-Rays appear instantly most probably saved his life more than once.”