Help bring a little Easter magic to children in hospital
Because we can’t accept visitors to the hospital right now, we’re asking you to support our Sparkle Fund instead of giving Easter eggs this year.
With the money you donate or raise, we’ll make sure that each child receives an age appropriate Easter treat, tailored to both their dietary and medical needs. Many young patients are too small or too unwell to eat chocolate so by helping us in this way, you’ll also be making sure that every child is included, regardless of their age or medical needs.
Our Sparkle Fund sprinkles a little bit of magic over hospital life. By donating, supporters like you make it possible for us to bring happiness and respite to patients in the form of small treats, activities and visits. Any funds left over after Easter will be used to fund ongoing Sparkle Fund activities throughout the year as restrictions slowly start to ease. These could be in the form of family trips away from the hospital, a visit from a favourite character or a special birthday surprise.