Elodie’s story – as told by her dad, Ian.

About a year ago, 5 days after little Elodie was born. I was sitting at home on paternity leave and I noticed that Elodie didn’t seem right, her little arm was jerking, at first it felt like hiccups, but it was not – they lasted for too long. They were very short in repetition and she did not seem right. She was very disturbed the night before and our instincts told us get to A&E! We arrived at Noah’s Ark Hospital and were seen immediately, no waiting, we by-passed the queue fast! I remember we got through to see the doctor. I remember his professional manner, but worried looking face and his words “it’s nothing to be scared of, but we are going to have to move to a resuscitation room”. We of course, were both really scared at this point. Unfortunately, the unthinkable was happening, at just five days old Elodie was having back to back seizures. After a quick CT Scan, and lots of vital life saving techniques, they stabilised Elodie and administered the anti-seizure/anti-biotic meds. Following the CT Scan we then received the crushing news that our daughter had suffered a stroke.
After leaving intensive care, we were given the prognosis, that was hard to take in. Elodie had suffered brain-damage and that she had right-side hemiplegia cerebral palsy, meaning that she would suffer some level of paralysis on the right-side. At this point the extent of her paralysis was unknown, leaving us with suspended emotions. It was a lot to take in.
Over the last year the smallest of milestones have been met with tears of joy, as she has totally and utterly amazed us, the doctors and the physios! Her movements fortunately seem very mildly affected. Elodie’s is crawling, climbing, coasting and is so close to walking. She’s truly is our little miracle.
We truly believe that the human brain is incredible. It would seem that parts of her brain are re-wiring and the physio sessions from Noah’s Ark/Serennu and Bobath, have helped Elodie progress well. Noah’s Ark staff cared for us in the darkest days and gave us some special memories of her first days in the hardest part of our lives. The sensory room, gave us some special memories where we could all bond as a family for the first time. The support we received when we left hospital was great. As worried parents, they answered our numerous questions, emails and checks through the epilepsy nurse helpline/open access. The first few weeks home with medication where so tough, I can remember ringing daily, to seek advice and they were very supportive. We were and are massively grateful to all that Noah’s Ark hospital have done for us, saving little Elodie’s life and looking after our family. Our lives are so richer because of you. So, a big thank you from us.