By choosing to give a regular monthly donation, you will be helping us to invest in long-term support and improvements for patients and their families. For as little as £5 a month you will also be helping to ensure that we can respond quickly to any urgent needs when they arise.

Regular gifts are vital because they are a steady stream of income that we can rely on – so that children like the ones below can rely on us.


Adam and his sister Alesha have a kidney condition which means that they have to spend at least 15 hours every week attached to a haemodyalisis machine.  They miss out on a lot but, thanks to regular gifts from people like you, we make sure that they don’t miss out on everything.  Our amazing play team support children like Adam and Alesha by providing activies and games that not only keep them entertained but also distract them during uncomfortable proceedures. Through play, they also help the children reach their developmental milestones and express any fears or anxieties they may have around their treatment so that, again through play, they can help alay them. 


Baby Ezra, together with his twin brother Elias were born eleven weeks early and taken straight to the neonatal intensive care unit. The next time their parents Daniel and Alice saw them they were attached to many wires and machines to help keep them alive. Ezra spent 84 days in hospital while Elias spent 107. It was a very difficult time for the family who, at points, couldn’t be sure that they would ever take both babies home. 

Thankfully, due to regular gifts made by people like you, the Noah’s Ark Charity is able to fund an emotional support service that helps support parents through the very difficult experience of having a critically ill child in hospital. 

Little Olivia has a type of cancer that needs agressive treatment including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. She has also had a stem-cell translant which meant she had to isolate in her room for three weeks. Despite all this, Olivia isn’t afraid of the children’s hosptial and that’s thanks to people like you. By donating a small reguar amount, you help us plan regular activities that add a little sparkle to the hospital life of a child like Olivia.

Lacey-Mae has been a patient at the children’s hospital since she was just four-years-old and just embarked on her third round of chemotherapy that will last a whole year. Due to the amount of treatment Lacey-Mae has had, it can be hard to locate a good vein so she can have treatment.  But, thanks to you, we’re able to fund equipment like a ‘magic vein finder’ which helps make treatment a little easier and a little less daunting for her. 

Rameo was born with no upper airway. For more than six months, his home was the critical care unit and though his parents hope to take him home soon, he currently still lives on Island Ward. Hospital is where Rameo spent his first Christmas and his first birthday. But, thanks to people like you, we’re able to create spaces within the children’s hospital where families can spend time together away from the clinical environment. Places like the sensory room and the Noah’s Ark Garden.