Our Sparkle Fund aims to sprinkle a little joy in to the lives of long term families by making occasions like birthdays special or simply providing little treats to lift spirits. Here are just a few sprinklings of joy from 2020.

During the warmer months, the Sparkle Fund provided long term patients with a paddling pool to keep cool. Daniel has been in hospital for nearly his whole life so has never had the opportunity to enjoy the simple pleasure of a paddling pool in his back garden. Thanks to you and the creative play specialists on Island ward, we were able to bring the garden to him instead.

Arron was born at only 25 weeks of pregnancy and spent the first four months of his life on the neonatal intensive care unit. He then moved to Island ward where, other than a short three week stay at home, he spent the rest of his first year of life. Being in hospital and the added restrictions necessary to keep everyone safe from COVID meant that his mum couldn’t have the 1st birthday celebrations that most families enjoy. But, thanks to your support of our Sparkle Fund, we were able to mark the important day in little ways with cake, presents and decorations. One of Arron’s many fans at the hospital, Dr Wahid, also learnt the words to Happy Birthday in welsh to mark the occasion.

The festive season of 2020 felt very different for everyone, but we weren’t going to let COVID get in the way of Christmas for the patients and families of Noah’s Ark. As well as arranging virtual Santa visits for children on the wards, we organised a silent glowstick disco for young patients. Every child in the hospital received a glowstick and an invitation to join the disco via a shared playlist. Some of the children’s favourite characters danced on the hospital’s landlink while children and staff watched from their ward.