If you don’t fancy taking part in our in-person events, there are plenty of other ways fun ways to raise money for the Noah’s Ark Charity.
If you need a bit of inspiration before you start, take a look at some of our ideas below.
Already raring to go?
Hold an online gaming competition with friends using a site like Twitch.

Get in the disco diva mood and organise an online danceathon. Get your friends together over Zoom and host a ‘dance for donations’ session.

Host a Netflix party. Agree on a film and charge a fee like at the cinema!

Take part in our Step Challenge. It’s free to register and on completion, you’ll get a certificate and special edition medal!

Create a birthday fundraiser on Facebook. If you’re celebrating your special day in lockdown, why not donate the amount of a meal out or ask friends to donate instead of buying presents?

Hold a weekend board-gameathon Challenge your friends and family to play a selection of board games for a fixed amount of time and get people to sponsor you all.

Hold a virtual coffee morning with friends and catch up with what you haven’t been doing over a comforting slice of cake.

It’s the ideal time to declutter and sell any old clothes, gifts or books online – try eBay for charity, Facebook Marketplace or Depop.

Hold a virtual quiz night with your friends on video chat or social media.