On this page you’ll find all the resources you’ll need for your event, including an easy step by step guide to making your own superhero costume out of an old t-shirt. Some materials are available seperately in Welsh/English and others are bilingual.
All you need to do now is:

• Bookmark this page so you can come back to the resources whenever you need to
• Choose a date for your challenge
• Spread the word

Paying in your funds

There are a number of methods in which to pay in the money your school has raised when you’re ready to. You can use our online payment portal here, post us a cheque or give us a call on 029 2184 7310. If you’d like us to pick up the money in person and thank the children at the same time, we’d be happy to do that too.
As soon as we receive your kind donation, we’ll send you a thank you letter and certificate to display in your school.


English   Welsh  Bilingual

Make your own costume

No need to buy a costume if you don’t want to. Here’s our easy to follow guide to making your own.

Download Now

Gwnewch eich gwisg

Does dim angen prynu gwisg. Dyma ein canllaw hawdd i wneud un eich hun.

Lawrlwythwch Nawr

Letter for parents/carers

Celebrate your young superheroes’ efforts with this certificate of recognition.

Download Now

Llythyr i rhieni/gofalwyr

Llythyr yn esbonio gwaith yr elusen a’r digwyddiad i’ch helpu ymgysylltu pawb ofewn cymuned yr ysgol.

Lawrlwythwch Nawr


Celebrate your young superheroes’ efforts with this certificate of recognition.

Download Now


Dathlwch ymdrechion eich uwcharwyr ifanc gyda’r tystysgrif o gydnabyddiaeth yma.

Lawrlwythwch Nawr

Assembly presentation

Explain the work of the Noah’s Ark Charity and why you've chosen to support us while linking your activity to the curriculum.

Download Now

Cyflwyniad gwasanaeth

Esboniwch gwaith Elusen Arch Noa a pham yr ydych wedi dewis ein cefnogi tra yn cysylltu eich gweithgaredd i’r cwricwlwm.

Lawrlwythwch Nawr

Participant number

Give each child a number to wear
on race day.

Download Now

Rhif cyfranogwr

Rowch rhif i bob blentyn wisgo ar ddiwrnod y rhas.

Lawrlwythwch Nawr

Sponsorship form

Collect donations for the Noah’s Ark Charity using our sponsorship forms.

Download Now


Insert your own event information in to this poster to help spread the word within your school community.

Download Now

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